  • L-TriptophanL-Triptophan


L-Tryptophan minangka prekursor penting kanggo biosintesis auxin ing tanduran. Obat asam amino lan nutrisi penting. Iki bisa melu pembaruan protein plasma ing awak kewan, lan ningkatake riboflavin kanggo berperan, uga menehi kontribusi kanggo sintesis niasin lan heme, bisa nambah antibodi ing janin kewan hamil, lan bisa ningkatake laktasi sapi lan sapi sing nyusoni . Nalika ternak lan unggas ora duwe triptofan, tuwuh tuwuh, bobot saya suda, akumulasi lemak saya suda, lan atrofi testis ana ing pria. Iki digunakake ing obat minangka agen kontrol tumrap scurvy.

Kirim Pitakonan

Deskripsi Produk


L-Triptophan CAS:73-22-3

L-Triptophan Chemical Properties
MF: C11H12N2O2
MW: 204.23
EINECS: 200-795-6
Titik lebur: 289-290 ° c (dec.) (Surem)
Alpha: -31.1 º (c = 1, h20)
Titik didih: 342.72 ° c (perkiraan kasar)
Kapadhetan: 1.34
Indeks refraktif: -32 ° (c = 1, h2o)
Kelarutan: 20% nh3: 0,1 g / ml ing 20 ° C, bening, tanpa warna
pka: 2,46 (jam 25â „ƒ)
PH: 5.5-7.0 (10g / l, H2O, 20â "ƒ)
aktivitas optik: [Î ±] 20 / D 31.5 ± 1 °, c = 1% ing H2O
Kelarutan banyu: 11,4 g / L (25 º C)

L-Triptophan CAS:73-22-3 Introduction:
L-Triptophan is one of essential amino acids and the fourth limiting amino acid in animal diets, which means it could not be synthesized by the body, in addition, dietary supply through feed materials is usually insufficient.
The deficiency of L-Triptophan was generally characterized as decreased feed intake and efficiency, and slow growth rate. Considering L-Triptophan playing a key role in growth performance and feed efficiency, it is recommended to add L-Triptophan in diet to achieve the optimal amino acid balance and fulfill the digestible tryptophan requirement of animals, especially piglets, sows and poultry etc.It is a fermentation product from natural raw materials as nutritional additives for feedstock. Thanks for the state-of-the-art fermentation technology and high level quality control system, we can offer our tryptophan in high purity above 98.5% and consistent quality for animal feed. 

L-Triptophan CAS:73-22-3 Specification:

Item Tes




Wêdakakêna kristal putih nganti kuning cahya


Assay /%

â ‰ ¥ 98,00


Rotasi Khusus

-29.0 ° -32.8 °

-29,3 °

Residu ing Pengapian /%

â ‰ ¤0,50


Kerugian Pangatusan /%

â ‰ ¤0,50


Logam Heavy (Pb) /%

â ‰ ¤5


Arsenik (As) /%

â ‰ ¤2


Merkurius (Hg) /%

â ‰ ¤0.1


Kadmium (Cd) /%

â ‰ ¤2



Negatif ing 10g



5.0 ~ 7.0


L-Triptophan CAS:73-22-3 Function:
1.L-Triptophan is an important nutrient.
2.L-Triptophan takes part in the renewal of animal blood plasma protein in the body
3.L-Triptophan helps nicotinic acid and the synthesis of hemoglobin. It can significantly increase antibody in pregnant animals baby.
4.L-Triptophan can promote lactation of cows and sows.
5.L-Triptophan is used as control agent of pellagra.

L-Triptophan CAS:73-22-3 Application 
L-Triptophan Food grade:
1. Antioksidan;
2. Suplemen nutrisi. Triptofan minangka salah sawijining asam amino penting ing awak manungsa;
3. Digunakake kanggo nambah kurang niacin.
L-Triptophan Feed grade
1: Nggawe kebutuhan bisnis kanggo tuwuh kewan, ningkatake kinerja produksi kewan;
2: Nambah tingkat L-tryptophan sing bisa dicerna ing feed;
3: Minangka aditif panganan nutrisi, residu sisih sing ora beracun, lan bisa digunakake kanthi aman ing macem-macem feed.

Hot Tags: L-Triptofan, Produsen, Suplier, Pabrik, Cina, Digawe ing China, Murah, Diskon, Rega murah

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