Nicotinamide (Niacinamide), uga dikenal minangka nikotinamide, minangka senyawa amida saka asam nikotinat. Wêdakakêna kristal putih; tanpa ambu utawa meh ora ambu, rasa pait; rada hygroscopic. Larut ing banyu utawa etanol, larut ing gliserol. Umume digunakake kanggo nyegah lan ngobati pellagra, stomatitis, glossitis, sindrom sinus lara.
Vitamin B3 / Niacinamide CAS: 67-03-8
Vitamin B3 / Niacinamide CAS: 67-03-8 Introduction:
MF: C12H18Cl2N4OS
MW: 300,81
EINECS: 200-641-8
Wêdakakêna Niacinamide minangka vitamin sing larut ing banyu, Produk iki bubuk kristal putih, tanpa ambu utawa meh ora ambu, rasa pait, larut ing banyu utawa etanol, larut ing gliserin.
Nikotinamida powder is easy to absorb oral, and can be widely distributed in the body, the excess metabolites or prototype quickly expel from urine. Nikotinamida is part of coenzyme I and coenzyme II, plays the role of hydrogen delivery in biological oxidation respiratory chain, can promote biological oxidation processes and tissue metabolism, maintain normal tissue (especially the skin, digestive tract and nervous system) integrity has an important role.
Nikotinamida (Niacinamide), also known as nicotinamide, is an amide compound of nicotinic acid. White crystalline powder; odorless or almost odorless, bitter taste; slightly hygroscopic. Soluble in water or ethanol, soluble in glycerol. It is mainly used in the prevention and treatment of pellagra, stomatitis, glossitis, sick sinus syndrome.
Vitamin B3 / Niacinamide CAS: 67-03-8 Specification:
Minangkail |
Penampilan |
Bubuk putih |
Tundhuk |
Ambu ora enak |
Karakteristik |
Tundhuk |
Rasane |
Karakteristik |
Tundhuk |
Minangkasay |
98% |
Tundhuk |
Analisis Ayak |
100% lulus 80 bolong |
Tundhuk |
Kerugian Pangatusan |
5% Maks. |
1,02% |
Awu Sulfat |
5% Maks. |
1,3% |
Ekstrak pelarut |
Etanol & Banyu |
Tundhuk |
Metal abot |
5ppm Maks |
Tundhuk |
Minangka |
2ppm Maks |
Tundhuk |
Pelarut Sisa |
0.05% Maks. |
Negatif |
Mikrobiologi |
Jumlah Plate Count |
1000 / g Maks |
Tundhuk |
Ragi & Cetakan |
100 / g Maks |
Tundhuk |
E.Coli |
Negatif |
Tundhuk |
Salmonella |
Negatif |
Tundhuk |
Fungsi Vitamin B3 / Niacinamide CAS: 67-03-8
1. Pencernaan lan panyerapan protein lan lemak sing tepat;
2.Niacinamide bisa mbantu tryptophan asam amion esensial diowahi dadi asam nikotinat;
3.Niacinamide bisa nyegah kabeh jinis saraf, penyakit kulit;
4. Ngurangi muntah;
5.Niacinamide bisa ningkatake sintesis asam nukleat, kanggo nyegah tuwa jaringan lan organ;
6.Niacinamide bisa ngasilake asil njupuk antidepresan sing disebabake dening tutuk lan disuria garing
7. Niacinamide bisa Nyuda kejut otot wengi, kelumpuhan kram lan gejala tangan, sikil lan neuritis liyane;
8. Kaleng Niacinamide minangka diuretik alami.
9. Perawatan hipofungsi metabolisme kongenital;
10.Niacinamide bisa nyegah lan ngobati kekurangan vitamin B6;
11. Suplemen kanggo pasien sing kudu ngonsumsi luwih akeh vitamin B6;
12. Perawatan sindrom trowongan carpal.
Application of Vitamin B3 / Niacinamide CAS: 67-03-8
1. Ing Kosmetik:
Nikotinamida is used in the basic cream system of cosmetics, the dosage is 2%, can achieve whitening anti-wrinkle, moisturizing,shrinking pores and other effects.In addition, nicotinamide can also be used to treat dark circles, as it dilates blood vessels.
2. Bahan baku obat lan aditif Pangan.
a. Nikotinamida Promote the normal growth and development of human body.
b. Nyegah lan ngobati lesi kulit lan penyakit saluran pencernaan kayata: pellagra, dermatitis, mutah, diare, lsp.
c. Nambani penyakit jantung koroner, miokarditis virus, penyakit jantung rematik lan sawetara keracunan digitalis sing nyebabake arrhythmia.
3. Aditif panganan:
a. Nikotinamida Prevent skin injury and digestive tract diseases.
b. Nikotinamida Prevent short bone disease in livestock and poultry.
c. Nikotinamida Promote the growth of livestock and poultry, improve egg production and hatching rate, and ensure the good development of feathers.